Raindrops keep fallin' on my head
Due to my late extension of my stay, I needed to swap rooms, so I had to get all my stuff out of Titi Caca room, store it down in the foyer, then later shift it into Fitz Roy room (which turned out to be directly below). This didn't really interrupt my plans for the day as (a) I hadn't really come up with any ideas what to do, since I wasn't planning on staying this long and (b) it was raining pretty heavily. So I spent much of the day reading my way through a few books, both from my collection in my pack (helpfully replenished from the book exchange in Bs As when I left) and the hostel's book exchange. I braved the rain mid-afternoon to make a quick trip to the supermarket, where I got the ingredients for making pasta sauce and picked up a couple of bottles of the local vino to sample, given that America del Sur was one of the more reasonable hostels in terms of allowing guests to bring in their own drinks if they so wished.
These I consumed later in the evening, helped out (at least with the wine) by one of my room-mates, Agnieszka, who is Polish but studies at the University of Maastricht in the Netherlands and is yet another person I've met who is studying abroad in Santiago, Chile. She and various others were having the Asado dinner I'd had my first night, and I ended up going into town with her and an Austrian lad who'd been on her glacier trip, where we eventually wound up back in Casablanca, talking to some Swedish girls Aga had met earlier in the trip and a couple of Quebecois boys who were trying frantically to chat them up. This intrepid foursome made their way over to the Casino later on, whilst we headed back to our end of town, where Aga's Austrian friend was staying in the campsite, and ended up sitting around drinking more wine with a bunch of Chilean students on holiday there. Given that I had to get up and get on my bus the next day, I left them there around 4am and shambled back up the hill to America del Sur, there to get whatever sleep I could.
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